


Age: 82
Sex: Female
Occupation: Student
Orientation: Straight
About Me: I'm Miles (18) from Gdynia, Poland. I'm learning Chinese literature at a local high school and I'm just about to graduate. I have a part time job in a post office. Here is my web-site :: www.bademce.com - http://www.bademce.com/zd/index.php
Smoking: Smoker
User have: Pets
Phone Number: 53 692 66 66
Email: randy@cooperlive.com

Looking For

Room Type: Furnished
Address: Ul. Urszulanek 33
Min Price:
Max Price:
Need From: 2015 Feb,02
Inclusive of:
Pet Allowed: Yes
Need Car Park: No

About Ideal Sharemate

Age From: 34
Age To: 19
Gender: Male
Occupation: Student
Orientation: Straight
Smokes: Yes
About ideal sharemate: I'm Miles (18) from Gdynia, Poland. I'm learning Chinese literature at a local high school and I'm just about to graduate. I have a part time job in a post office. Stop by my site; www.bademce.com - http://www.bademce.com/zd/index.php